Recent projects
Onewhero West Pump Station
This Project for Waikato Regional Council to upgrade the Onewhero West pump station upgrade and included the following:
- Construction of coffer dam and dewatering of site to facilitate construction work;
- foundation and piling works to support new structural requirements;
- upgrade of inlet bay and platform;
- replacement of inlet screen;
- minor earthworks upgrade to provide access to the new platform
Ila Place Waste Water Treatment Tanks Upgrade
This 2014 – 2015 Project for Tauranga City Council consisted of the supply and installation of three 2. 5m diameter by 29m fibreglass tanks, 240 m of sewer pipes and installation of eight concrete manholes, which showed MAPs temporary works design and sheetpile capabilities.
- The work involved excavation and storage of some 2000m3 of material on the site...
DOC National Trout Centre Sewer Upgrade
This project in 2009 involved the installation of gravity sewer and pump station within the National Trout Centre Facility at Turangi. From the Pump Station we completed almost 2. 4km of Rising Main sewer back into Turangi
- Physical works undertaken clearing and construction of a new site access, construction of flood protection bunds and excavations for storage chamber
- Installed over 290 metres of 150mm sewer pipes to varying grades...
Patea Dam Downstream Toe Repair
This 3 month job in 2014 for TrustPower was to repair the downstream toe of the Dam that was damaged in a big rain event and consisted of cut and fill earthworks and borrowing and placing Riprap
The downstream toe was “landlocked” by the overhead transmission lines and the powerhouse penstocks and required an innovative idea to lower a trolley down the face of the dam.
The work method delivered a great project outcome safely.