Recent projects

  • Brenwe Hydropower Station – Vanuatu

    The Brenwe Hydropower Station is a Design and Construct, new build Hydropower Scheme in Malekula, Vanuatu. This was funded by both the Asian Development Bank and the Vanuatu government.

    The run of river scheme is comprised of an 18m wide concrete weir with fish passage which takes water via Coanda screens into 1km of large diameter (900 to 1100mm) glass reinforced pipes (GRP) Headstock...

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  • Matawii Water Storage Reservoir

    Matawii Water Storage Reservoir was constructed by MAP for Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust, with the primary objective of supplying Kaikohe with water for irrigation, which will create sustainable employment opportunities in horticulture and agriculture for the surrounding regions. It will also be back up for clean, reliable drinking water

    The reservoir, a zoned embankment structure, stands up to 24 meters high and stretches over 550 meters in length. Given its elevation and proximity to Kaikohe, it is classified as a High PIC reservoir, demanding the highest design, construction, and operational safety standards for the community’s welfare...

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  • Esmerelda Street Flood Mitigation

    MAP Projects was engaged by Tauranga City Council to complete a fiddly floodwall and flood mitigation project on a negotiated basis. The Esmeralda Flood Mitigation Project involved the placement of some 168m of Redi-rock flood wall up to 4m in height.

    The works also included the placement of significant areas of rock protection, stream channeling Gabion baskets and services locations...

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  • Nanako Stream Stormwater Upgrade

    MAP was engaged by Tauranga City Council in a multi staged ECI with the aim to effectively manage stormwater catchments, mitigate potential flooding events, improve water quality and accommodate future planned developments in the area. The completed B1/2 Separable Portion involved upgrading the existing Kennedy Road embankment to meet current dam safety design standards, reduce the risk of dam failure and provide flood mitigation. The project installed a 2...

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