Recent projects
Brenwe Hydropower Station – Vanuatu
The Brenwe Hydropower Station is a Design and Construct, new build Hydropower Scheme in Malekula, Vanuatu. This was funded by both the Asian Development Bank and the Vanuatu government.
The run of river scheme is comprised of an 18m wide concrete weir with fish passage which takes water via Coanda screens into 1km of large diameter (900 to 1100mm) glass reinforced pipes (GRP) Headstock...
Matawii Water Storage Reservoir
Matawii Water Storage Reservoir was constructed by MAP for Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust, with the primary objective of supplying Kaikohe with water for irrigation, which will create sustainable employment opportunities in horticulture and agriculture for the surrounding regions. It will also be back up for clean, reliable drinking water
The reservoir, a zoned embankment structure, stands up to 24 meters high and stretches over 550 meters in length. Given its elevation and proximity to Kaikohe, it is classified as a High PIC reservoir, demanding the highest design, construction, and operational safety standards for the community’s welfare...
Nanako Stream Stormwater Upgrade
MAP was engaged by Tauranga City Council in a multi staged ECI with the aim to effectively manage stormwater catchments, mitigate potential flooding events, improve water quality and accommodate future planned developments in the area. The completed B1/2 Separable Portion involved upgrading the existing Kennedy Road embankment to meet current dam safety design standards, reduce the risk of dam failure and provide flood mitigation. The project installed a 2...
Omokoroa Stormwater Pond and Earth Dam
Completed in 2019, the Omokoroa SW Pond 02 for Western Bay of Plenty District Council involved construction of a 9m high by 80m long stormwater detention dam and levelling 5 ha of subdivision lots as the dam fill. The site was large, sloping and involved conditioning various types of soils to enable placing and compacting engineered fill for the Dam embankment and the Classic Builders residential subdivision. Approx...
Samoa Refurbishment of Samasoni, Fale Ole Fee and Alaoa
MAP expertise in the Water and Hydro Projects saw us awarded the $9. 8M USD equivalent Hydro Rehabilitation project for Electric Power Company (Samoa) – Joint Venture with Pernix Group (49% MAP). MAP Provide all the key project management staff (with exception of Safety Officer), all the physical resources and employed the local work force...
Kotuku Dam Hopua te Nihotetea
MAP expertise in the Water and Hydro Projects saw us awarded the Kotuku Street Storm water Detention Dam in Whangarei for the Northland Regional Council. This project included the installation and concrete encasement of a 2100mm Service Spillway (Concrete Pipe). The facets of the project included some 120,000m3 of earthworks to compete a 20m high by 105m long Dam wall and almost 1300m3 of concrete placed to spillway, retaining wall, inlet and outlet structures...
Esk Hydro Power Scheme
Completed in October 2013 for TrustPower in the Hawkes Bay, the Esk Medium Hydro Civil Works Project comprised the construction of two Run of River Hydro Schemes with a combined generation capacity of 3. 8MW. MAP Projects scope included all of the stream intakes, power stations and pipework’s...
Patea Dam Crest Raising
In 2014 TrustPower showed their confidence in MAP by awarding this small and technically challenging Project to us. It entailed the raising and levelling of the Dam Crest of the Patea Dam in the Taranaki to achieve compliance with current Dam Safety. This Included cut and fill earthworks and the construction of a concrete retaining wall...
Patea Spillway Raising
This 3 month job in 2010 was to raise the Spillway on the Patea Dam. This was our first project for TrustPower and involved the raising of 110m of spillway by 1m to achieve a 1 in 10,000 year flood compliance. This small project delivered well, led to MAP Projects being chosen by TrustPower to build the Esk Hydro scheme...
Patea Dam Downstream Toe Repair
This 3 month job in 2014 for TrustPower was to repair the downstream toe of the Dam that was damaged in a big rain event and consisted of cut and fill earthworks and borrowing and placing Riprap.
The downstream toe was “landlocked” by the overhead transmission lines and the powerhouse penstocks and required an innovative idea to lower a trolley down the face of the dam. The work method delivered a great project outcome safely...